If your web-project has a lot of visitors and generates high traffic, or requires advanced security and fully-configured service architecture, then it is high time to consider a dedicated server solution.
This is a full-fledged server with customizable, platform configuration and pre-installed operating system. Your web-project can be deployed there and remotely-controlled as you want or need. The servers are allocated in a special place, so-called, Data Center or DPC.
Our Data Center with advanced cooling and humidity controls ensures that your server operates fast and effectively. It is engineered with uninterruptable power supply and required back-up facilities.
Unlike usual hosting where each server hosts a few hundreds of clients (a kind of block of flats), your server will be only yours.
It will improve the stability and reliability of your web-project because you won't depend on your neighbour's negligence who might upload poorly-written script, send unsolicited emails whose consequences all the users of a shared server will have to face. What's more, you will be able to customize platform configurations to your needs, achieve your target performance and meet scalability requirements. You will have root access to the server and, in fact, can do whatever you want.
Unlike usual hosting a dedicated server costs more and it is understandable. Besides, usual hosting offers you a fully-configured working environment: software, control panel, regular updates, patches, 24/7 monitoring support. But server hosting needs being configured and supported unless server administration is ordered. On our part (unless server administration is ordered) we are responsible for hardware replacement, power supply reboot, OS reinstallation and IPKVM-switch access (remote server control, provided internal control tools do not work).
That is why Is it necessary to take care of server administration beforehand, especially if you do not have a competent server administrator on the staff. In that case you'd better order server administration together with the server.
We are happy to offer dedicated servers with fully configured service architecture. All the servers are allocated in our own data center in Ukraine which gives us advantages and flexible service options in solving some technical issues like upgrade or hardware replacement in case a failed component is detected.
It stands to reason that it contributes to a better pricing policy. In case your web-project hasn't grown to a full-value dedicated server, but at the same time it has grown over usual hosting we can offer you virtual dedicated server. In fact, it is the same server but there can be a few virtual servers on one full-value dedicated server. That's why a virtual server costs comparatively cheaper, but in terms of its OS management it mostly corresponds to physical dedicated server.
If you would like to allocate your server equipment in our data center we'll be happy to help you. Your server can be delivered into our DPC by any courier service. In our turn we'll compensate all the expenditures on the delivery service by extending the period of your hosting with us. If you live in Vinnytsia, then you can simply contact our technical support team and your server will be shipped by our branded vehicle. Detailed information about this service can be read here.
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