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The usage of Internet facilities for the development of different projects allows expanding the scale of any activity. No wonder that chief executive offices of many modern companies have to assimilate new notions including such a one as colocation. The most farsighted entrepreneurs have perfectly learnt a simple principle: "if you don't exist on the Internet, you are not a part of business". It is not enough to create an Internet-shop or a corporate portal. They should be allocated on the Internet (World Wide Web) and they should be accessible to the public as well. It stands to reason that there always exists a simple variant, such as a virtual hosting. However, it is not a way out for large-scale projects and one starts pondering on one's own server. And inevitably does an entrepreneur have to solve a dilemma whether to prefer a dedicated server solution or a server colocation? Let us look into the advantages and disadvantages of both the variants and, thus, it will eventually help us make a right decision.
This term like many others connected with the Internet originates in the English language. Colocation can be translated into other languages as "installment, location". The dedicated hosting solution implies the idea of a client's using the equipment that belongs to the datacenter, but the server colocation means mounting the client's own equipment on the premises of the datacenter. On the other hand it might seem that the colocation is inferior to the dedicated hosting in terms of convenience. Because the client has to sort out the question of equipment delivery and installment and it is one of the negative sides of the usage of colocation. Nevertheless there are definitely more advantages than disadvantages in the server colocation.
Among the main advantages of the colocation service with regard to the functioning of large-scale Internet-projects we can singular out the following:
Before ordering a server colocation few disadvantages of this method should be mentioned. Among main disadvantages are these: firstly, the client is fully responsible for the functionality of equipment. It goes without saying that the provider ensures all the necessary conditions for equipment functionality in the manner of correct assembly, maintenance of necessary temperature and humidity etc. But in case the failure of a component is detected, the owner holds responsible for subsequent repair work. Secondly, the server colocation does cost a lot in comparison with virtual hosting. But additional expenses are extra-compensated with those inherent potentialities which are available for website owners and Internet-based entrepreneurs.
Nowadays Ukrainian Internet users can appreciate all the advantages of server colocation at its true value. The high-level service of server colocation is offered by our datacenter. Practical experience of our specialists allows us to guarantee an efficient solution to all tasks which are assigned by our clients. The undoubtful advantage of your own server colocation in Ukraine is affordable prices on the service. In order to be entirely convinced of the fact you can get acquainted with the pricelist on the correspondent page of our website. For the sake of our clients' convenience we offer a free delivery service of your server onto our datacenter. In order to make use of the offer, the clients can send their equipment with the help of courier service of their choice. All the subsequent expenses will be compensated by the prolongation of the period of service proportionally. As it is shown in practice, the colocation is said to be the most convenient method of ensuring uninterrupted functionality and development of large-scale Internet projects in many cases. You can find out more about the server colocation onto our datacenter at our specialists. Draw your attention to us today, and tomorrow your project will be on a higher level of development!
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